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Age-friendly towns, cities and counties are great for people of all ages.
Lexington-Fayette County is one of three Kentucky communities in the growing AARP Network of Age-Friendly Communities.
The AARP Network of Age-Friendly Communities was launched in April 2012 and operates under the auspices of the World Health Organization’s Age-Friendly Cities and Communities Program. The international effort launched in 2006 to help communities prepare for rapid population aging and the parallel trend of urbanization.
In the U.S., 121 cities, towns and counties are engaged serving more than 56 million in the AARP Network of Age-Friendly Communities.

Lexington Senior Center hosts livable community solutions forum with national experts.
November 10, 2016
Jean Setzfand of the AARP stopped by the new Senior Center in Lexington to give a presentation and lead a discussion on Age-Friendly and Livable Communities. Learn more about Age-Friendly Communities
Dementia Friendly Kick Off:
More than 200 individuals attended this event on January 30th.
77% Female
28.2% current caregivers
20.5% past caregivers
1.3% persons living with dementia
50% Health care workers, family members, friends, business owners
When asked what community sectors need assistance in increasing skills or adapting their environment for interacting with people with dementia the below statistics were ranked in order of importance by the attendees:
Community Based Services (216)
Health care (doctor offices/UTC) (187)
Residential and Specialty Care for Persons with Memory Loss (163)
Dementia Friendly Housing (143)
Legal and Advance Planning (141)
Transportation (119)
Neighbors and Community Members (110)
Banks and Financial Services (107)
Emergency and Disaster Response (107)
Businesses: Restaurants, grocery stores, pharmacies, and retail shopping (85)
Arts/Civic Engagement (74)
Hospitals (64)
Faith Communities (49)
Libraries (11)
Below are some of the main themes from comments :
1. Community Based Services: Information is overwhelming to caregivers. There is a need for patient advocates and people within doctor offices that can help connect caregivers with resources and explain where to look to get help. Need for one place to go or someone to help with resource navigation. Doctors need to be able to provide patients and caregivers with information.
a. “Caregivers are already overwhelmed by giving care alone so they do not have time or ability to focus on looking for help”
2. Healthcare: Need for training and awareness in all fields, healthcare, businesses, banking, legal, transportation, faith communities, etc. There is a need for further education about how to interact and help those with dementia. Front line in healthcare settings ESPECIALLY important such as EMS, front desk staff at doctor offices, ERs, police, etc.
a. “My mother was lost in Lexington, Police sent her to hospital. Then mother had a 72 hour hold at Eastern State. She was released at midnight and she refused to leave and then was arrested and sent to jail until the morning. CBH would not let family take her home even though she was not a threat to herself or others. ERs, EMS, and police need more training on signs of dementia.”
3. Residential and Specialty Care/Dementia Friendly Housing: Hard to find residential and specialty care, especially out of county. There are a lot of issues finding affordable residential care, and staff at specialty care needs to be trained to be dementia friendly. A need for a more holistic approach. Need for respect, not calling it a day care. A need for engagement and financial assistance.
a. “Need for some kind of symbol that signifies a dementia friendly place similar to the Safe Place symbol”
b. “Dementia is a slow disease, need to keep people engaged” “Programs are needed”
4. Legal/Advance Planning + Banks and Financial: There is a need for protective factors for those with dementia. Ways to help avoid fraud, scams, and stealing from those with dementia. Need for special trained personnel to recognize and help those with dementia and help avoid fraud, scams, or the person being taken advantage of. Need for more wheelchair accessibility. Assistance with transactions. More education on the subject matter.
“It is a confusing difficult field and so people often think things have been taken care of and later find out they are not. Education on this matter is needed.”
5. Transportation: There is a need for more professional knowledge of available services. Need for more rural services/out of county services. Technology education needed on how to use transportation, and need for affordable options.
a. “Need for Uber/Lyft like services and they need to be dementia friendly.”
6. Other: A big theme throughout many of the comments is a need to reduce the stigma in many of the sectors. There is a need for education and awareness to be raised so people can be a part of the community and reach the resources that they need.
The Lexington Walk to End Alzheimer's will be September 12, 2020 at Kroger Field! Money raised helps support local programs and services as well as nationwide research. The Walk festivities happen year round and are not limited to Walk day. My team has had neighborhood S'more Nights, lemonade stands, yard sales, and art sales to help raise money and awareness. We would love to have you share in the excitement! Walk websites are live and we are excited to get started for the 2020 Walk to End Alzheimer's season! If you have any questions or would like the link to sign your team up, reach out to our new Walk Manager, Molly Hogan at or 859-266-5283 ext. 8181.