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LexCall 311 Cont. 


Traffic Signs and Signal Concerns: LexCall 311 should be contacted whenever an individual wants to report a problem with traffic signs and signals.

Trash and Debris: Excessive trash and debris can be reported to LexCall 311, and the Division of Code Enforcement will be notified. They will then take the necessary actions towards ensuring that the trash and debris is removed.

Unsafe Housing: If an individual has a concern related to unsafe housing, they can contact LexCall 311 to report the issue. Then the Division of Code Enforcement or any other appropriate government department will be contacted in order to resolve the problem.

Bulky Items Pick-up: LexCall 311 can be contacted for questions regarding the specific manner in which bulky items (that will not fit in the designated garbage/recyclable/ compost bin) should be disposed of Depending on the item, it may need to be cut, tied up, and left by the curb at the designated garbage removal time. Examples: furniture,carpet, appliances, pipe, metal, old swing-sets/clothes lines, etc.

Garbage Collection: Residents can call LexCall 311 in order to learn more about the details of disposing of landfill- bound waste. A green “Herbie” bin, which is used for landfill- bound waste can be requested through this service as well.

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