This study is open to family members caring for a dependent older adult who has
Alzheimer’s disease or other dementia and provides care at home
The purpose of this study is to understand how COVID-19 affects rural female
caregivers of family members with dementia.
Time Commitment:
Participation in a one-time telephone call and one personal interview that will last approximately one hour.
All CDC precautions will be strictly followed. COVID-19 screening and no touch
temperature checks before participation.
Place: A meeting place and time that is most convenient for the participant, virtual
meeting, or by telephone.
Time Compensation: $50 Visa gift card upon completion of the interviews
Or contact
Principal Investigator: Dr. Candace Harrington at 502-654-8031
Co-Investigator: Dr. Cheryl Witt at 859-612-9469
University of Louisville School of Nursing
555 S. Floyd Street K wing
Louisville, KY 40202
This study is funded by the Midwest Nurses Research Society and Sigma Theta Tau International.
CAREGIVERS NEEDED FOR INTERVIEWS “Life Experiences of Female Rural Caregivers of Family Members with Dementia
During COVID-19”